Made Different

Made Better

GMP Certified

Our quality products are expertly engineered under the highest manufacturing standards, ensuring that you get the best products every time - all the time.

FDA Approved Facility

Our state of the art laboratories and facilities are registered with the FDA, meaning that they are subject to the high safety and production criterias

HALAL Vitamin Product

Our carefully crafted formulation ensures that no pork gelatin is used in any of our products - iCare Natural products have a gold standard certification from the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

Vegetarian Friendly

Our quality products are expertly engineered under the highest manufacturing standards, ensuring that you get the best products every time - all the time.


Better Health Begins Here...
Multivitamins for Children
Multivitamins for Women.
Multivitamins for Men
Multivitamins for Seniors

"I'm so tired"
"I have no energy"
"These supplements don't work!"

As a pharmacist of 20 years, Faisal Motiwala would seldom hear these complaints from his customers.

One day, he had enough. He decided to go into his lab and start working on something that could help his struggling customers.

After years of testing and tweaking, a perfect supplement was created.

His customers' health started to improve and they urged him to make more.

And thus, iCare Naturals was born...

Shop Now


Promotes Higher Energy
Supports Visual Care
Source Of Shining Hair & Nails
Helps In Strengthening Immune System
Improved Memory & Concentration
Reduced Body Pains
More Peace of Mind
Better Sleep

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply put: our products are created with a high degree of precision and quality. The combination of Good Manufacturing Process and production in an FDA Approved Facility mean that our production process yields a higher quality product every time - all the time.

Our products have also been carefully created with the customers' needs in mind. There is something for everyone!

Simply put: our products are created with a high degree of precision and quality. The combination of Good Manufacturing Process and production in an FDA Approved Facility mean that our production process yields a higher quality product every time - all the time.

Our products have also been carefully created with the customers' needs in mind. There is something for everyone!

Simply put: our products are created with a high degree of precision and quality. The combination of Good Manufacturing Process and production in an FDA Approved Facility mean that our production process yields a higher quality product every time - all the time.

Our products have also been carefully created with the customers' needs in mind. There is something for everyone!

Simply put: our products are created with a high degree of precision and quality. The combination of Good Manufacturing Process and production in an FDA Approved Facility mean that our production process yields a higher quality product every time - all the time.

Our products have also been carefully created with the customers' needs in mind. There is something for everyone!

Simply put: our products are created with a high degree of precision and quality. The combination of Good Manufacturing Process and production in an FDA Approved Facility mean that our production process yields a higher quality product every time - all the time.

Our products have also been carefully created with the customers' needs in mind. There is something for everyone!

It's Easy to Get Started!


Place an order from our user friendly website. Most orders come with INSTANT SHIPPING!


Receive your supplements within 5-7 days, along with some surprise goodies from our well-being team!

Feel Healthy

Enjoy our high quality supplements and experience a better life!