The Best Supplements for Hair Growth
Beautiful hair is an important part of the overall aesthetics. Because to strike the perfect balance in appearing young and beautiful, hair plays an extremely important role. Consider this: unkempt, graying hair that looks like the person just rolled out of bed before coming to the photoshoot, or hair that is well-kept, thick, looks luxurious and well-taken care of. The difference between these two is of night and day, and therefore, having your hair look its best throughout the day is important. In this blog post, we will look at some multivitamins as well as some vitamin-based supplements that are considered the best for both hair health and appearance, and can go a long way in making sure your hair looks absolutely dazzling and fabulous.
As you might know, hair requires each and every bit of care it can get. Since it is essentially made out of the same proteins as our nails, therefore, proteins are every bit crucial for the better health and appearance of hair. However, many vitamins and supplements go a long way in helping frizzy hair, or, should a person start experiencing hairfall or other issues, these supplements and vitamins can help, allowing the hair to take their natural course and get back to looking dazzling. In this blog post, we will look exclusively at those multivitamins and vitamin-based supplements that are known for their beneficial effects on hair.
Here are the best supplements for hair, whether you’re looking to grow your hair out, make them shiny and dense, or just want great-looking hair that stands the stresses of the day and doesn’t start to fall down.
The Best Supplements for Hair Growth
Supplements can go a long way in providing an impetus and boost for your hair to grow healthier, thicker, and much better. Also, some supplements, aside from growing hair, may also help with keeping hair dark, black and keep them from graying out or falling out. These supplements are also essential in maintaining the health of hair, and as such, lets start by enumerating and explaining the benefits that these supplements have for hair growth.
Zinc is an extremely crucial part of the human diet, and beyond just providing nourishment for the body and its many systems, zinc also plays an important role in regulating both hair growth and nourishment for the follicles. For starters, low levels of zinc have been associated with hair loss, and while the jury is still out on how much zinc supplements can help, the fact is that for healthy hair follicles as well as a healthy hair growth cycle, zinc is extremely crucial, and as such, if your diet seriously lacks zinc, it might be time to start integrating zinc in nominal quantities to ensure that your hair growth cycle stays active, while follicles keep receiving nourishment and do not contribute to hair loss. As it goes with all supplements, it is important to consume zinc or its supplements in moderation since high levels of zinc in the body can also be problematic and lead to other issues.
Iron is crucial for the body; in fact, our blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of our bodies, and low levels of iron can cause anemia, which is when the blood cells are not able to provide and nourish parts of the body with oxygen, which can be extremely dangerous if left unchecked. Therefore, iron is very crucial for the body and general wellbeing of a person, and beyond that, also very much important for hair. Hair follicles receive oxygen and nutrients through blood cells, and as such, having low iron levels can affect this flow of nutrients and oxygen, which can lead to hair loss as follicles start losing nourishment. In fact, some types of hair loss have been associated with a deficiency of iron in the body. Hair is consistently growing, and as such requires an extensive level of nourishment. Once this level dies down, hair follicles start getting weaker and hair loss starts to appear. Which is why, iron is important in ensuring both the body’s health as well as in ensuring that your hair grows and stays healthy.
Hairs can essentially be thought of being constituted from proteins. Keratins are mostly protein, and as such, a lack of protein can seriously affect the health of hair. In fact, if protein consumption is lower than usual for the human body, it starts to affect alot of bodily processes almost immediately and can eventually become life-threatening if the body does not receive its required amount of protein. With hair, not eating enough protein will eventually result in hair loss, since the hair wont be able to get all the nutrients it needs, which affects the hair’s ability to derive nutrients. While protein isn’t consumed in the form of a nutrient necessarily, once normal consumption is resumed, you can expect hair to start growing back normally.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids regulate lots of processes in the body, and help it stay healthy, and since they are crucial for the human body, their deficiency can also affect the hair adversely. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oils, cod liver oils and other meats, and should your hair start falling out, its always good to up your diet of omega-3 fatty acids to a moderate level in order to provide essential nutrients to the body as well as the hair. While more research is needed in establishing the relation between Omega-3 fatty acids and hair growth or loss, a positive correlation has been seen nonetheless.
Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is also crucial for the body and hair. In fact, biotin has been noted for its positive effects on issues with hair loss, and many shampoos and hair oils come with biotin now in order to ensure the best nutrients for hair growth. Vitamin B supplements have also been noted to improve cases of hair loss, and while much more study is required in order to establish a clear relation between these two, the fact stays the same: biotin is important for hair growth and slowing down or stopping hair loss at all.
Selenium supplements have also been shown to help with hair loss and generally improve hair health. However, the issue with selenium is with its supplements, since overconsumption can lead to toxicity, especially since a normal, regular diet usually covers the bodily requirements of selenium effectively.
iCare Naturals: The Best Supplement Brand in Canada
Why go with the best hair supplement in Canada from iCare Naturals? Well, its simple: iCare has products that are made without any compromise on quality. iCare products boast the following to help give you the absolute best nutrient boost designed around your lifestyle and your dietary requirements.
Made with 100 per cent natural ingredients with exceptional attention to quality.
Manufactured at a GMP-standard facility.
In accordance with the guidelines for daily recommended allowance as per Health Canada.
All supplements are gluten-free.
Made right here in Canada, with all products bearing an NPN.
So, for your hair to receive the absolute best in nutrients and to ensure that in vitamins, nutrients and minerals, no stone is left unturned, go with iCare Naturals and feel the difference as you become more energized, healthy and ready to take on the challenges of life.